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Redbridge Drama Centre
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Redbridge Drama Centre

Redeem Your Theatre Tokens:

In Person: Churchfields, South Woodford, Essex, E18 2RB
Phone: 020 8708 8800
Online: Not yet available at this theatre. See who redeems online here.

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What's On Highlights

Where’s Mrs Ladybird?
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'Where's Mrs Ladybird' is based on the popular baby and toddler book from the award winning Felt Flaps series by Nosy Crow.

The Felt Flaps series has sold over 4 million copies We're looking for Mrs Ladybird and you can come too. As we search for our spotty friend, Mr Caterpillar, Mrs Bee and Mr Snail play peek-a-boo with you. Moon On A Stick bring their signature style to this familiar title, combining puppetry with mesmerising music and interaction.

A live hide and seek story for tiny people to share with their grown-ups

Baby Show Suitability (12pm & 2pm) : For ages approx. 0-18 months. A gentle version of the production suitable for those not on the move and/or wanting a calmer experience.

Toddler Show Suitability (10.30am & 3.30pm) : For ages approx. 18 months-3 years. An energetic version of the production suitable for those on the move and/or wanting a livelier experience.

To find out what else is happening at Redbridge Drama Centre, visit their website here.

Redbridge Drama Centre is located in South Woodford and is a centre for creating, performing and watching theatre for all ages and is recognised by Arts Council England as a National Portfolio Organisation.

The centre runs a wide variety of courses, workshop and holiday programmes throughout the year, so whether you are a beginner or advanced, professional or amateur we would like you to drop in and have a chat about how we can help you, or your child, explore what theatre can offer. In addition, we offer a wide range of professional productions throughout the year from established companies and new emerging companies.

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